Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learning and Leading

  • What are the four dimensions that J.P. Guilford used to describe creativity?
    • Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration
  • With which of the four dimensions do you struggle the most? Provide details as to why/how this dimension is difficult for you.
    • I think that I struggle most with flexibility. I think that once I know one solution to a problem, I get overwhelmed with other perspectives.
  • Think about all of the tools we’ve learned about in class so far. Select a tool and describe how it might help with two or more of the four dimensions of creativity.
    • I think that my project on Pinterest was very relevant to fluencey. There are so many different ideas that are being generated on Pinterest that often times people spend hours looking for projects to do because they find so many.
  • Spend 10-15 minutes exploring one of the creativity tools listed in the chart on p. 14 in the article. Make sure not to choose a tool you’ve used before. How could that tool be used to support creativity in your chosen grade/subject area?
    • Edistorm seems like a good tool to use for the Fluency category. I think that children can use this tool easily to share ideas and brainstorm.

Saturday Night in Athens

I took this picture at the game Saturday night. I thought the sun going down behind the score board was awesome and it definitely preceded an awesome outcome to the game!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Horizon Report

This reading was especially interesting to me because it calls out society for being extremely selfish. It is true that the world is increasingly busy, but reading this article made me think about the fact that the way students balance home and school will condition them to juggle home and work life. The internet is a source of so much information, but it is also a source of even more distraction. It is so much easier and more interesting for me to get on Facebook than actually look up information for a school assignment. I have checked my Facebook three times while writing this Blog thus far. I think that without the internet, student would be at a great disadvantage, but with all of the social networking sites, procrastination becomes a way of life and thus exhibits a hurried world without enough hours in a day.

My Creative Day

Over the past few weeks at Sigma Kappa, all of the sophomore sisters have been crafting for the Big/Little reveal. I have also been crafting for my future little and on Monday, I painted her a canvas with our family's Bible verse on it. I won't post a picture of it yet, in case she decides she is going to read my blog, but I will post it after the reveal next Thursday! I can't wait to shower my little with all of her crafty gifts!