Friday, August 31, 2012

Digital Immigrant?

I see myself as a digital immigrant. I believe that while my generation was born into an age that relies heavily on technology it is still our individual decision to utilize it or not. I believe that as an instructor, technology should be used in order to capture and hold the shortening attention span of future students. I think that students in the future will be more likely to retain information when taught using technology because they are able to individually teach themselves as well as observing the teacher. 

1. Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable could be their parents.
2. “Stop” means you’re cute and “woof” means you’re stressed.
3.  LOL, OMG, SMH, ROFL and BBL will probably be in Webster’s.
4. Justin Beiber look-alikes will be performing instead of Elvis in Las Vegas.
5. Dubstep will replace pop radio.

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand how you feel! I'm not the best with technology, and I sometimes feel like a digital immigrant. But you're right--kids have such short attention spans, so teachers should take advantage of students' fascination with technology in order to keep them engaged.
